Monday, September 30, 2019

School Attendance

â€Å"How was your day at school? † â€Å"Did you have fun? † â€Å"Who did you play with? † When we hear these questions, many of us flashback to our childhood; when we were excited for school. As we grow up, we lose interest in school. Some are bored with classes, have bullying issues, or have problems with school work. Whatever your reason for not attending school, you must remember that school attendance is crucial for being successful. Good attendance shows potential employers that you are reliable. Consider reading: Why Boarding Schools Should Be AbolishedEmployers are in search of employees that are punctual and who will be effective members of their company. If you do not attend school, then you will miss out on many opportunities of gaining qualifications that are needed. Without a job or career, you will not be an active member of society. You will not have an income and life will be hard. Not attending school sets a bad example for younger students. Younger pupils often look up to older students as role models and want to follow in their footsteps.Your attendance rate is important because you are more likely to excel in academics when you attend school consistently. It's difficult for the teacher and the class to build their skills and progress if a large number of students are frequently absent. In addition to falling behind in academics, students who are not in school on a regular basis are more likely to get into trouble with the law and cause problems in their communit ies. If you do not attend school, you miss the opportunity to engage in extracurricular activities.Extracurricular activities create a positive impact not only on a student’s life, but their peers, and the community. Students become involved in extracurricular activities not only for entertainment, social, and enjoyment purposes, but most important, to gain and improve skills. Extracurricular activities provide a setting to become involved and to interact with other students, thus leading to increased learning and enhanced development. A wide range of extracurricular activities exist at our schools, meeting a variety of student interests.A few extracurricular activities that I participate in are: National Honors Society, Upward Bound, and the 4H Teen Club. School budgets may suffer when students do not attend school. In many states, school budgets are based on the average daily attendance at a school. If many students enrolled at a school fail to consistently attend, the scho ol has less money to pay for essential classroom needs. This puts a hold on advance learning. There are many ways of increasing school attendance.One way is parents, school, and faculty working together to focus of reducing absences and keeping kids in school. Another effective way of increasing school attendance is by making school a place where students feel welcome. Friendly teachers and faculty help to create a positive environment. Schools can also create an environment that enables students to feel successful in something–no matter how small it may seem. To promote attendance, schools can award academic and attendance â€Å"letters,† as they do for athletics.The most effective method I believe is when parents have a talk with their child, explaining the importance of school and discussing why they missed. This creates an awareness that your parent truly cares about you and your future. School prepares you for the real world by creating a responsibility for comple ting homework, attending consistently, being punctual, etc. It helps to form good habits that should follow you throughout life. Regular attendance enables effective learning, develops habits of commitment and dependability and opens doorways to future success.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Describe and explain why the rainforest is being destroyed and what the effects of this are?

The rainforest in South America is a vital resource but it is being destroyed at a rate of 1/2 a million trees an hour. In this essay I aim to investigate why this is happening and the long term effects of it. Clearances for farming and ranching are being made but, without the knowledge that the natives have, they are being done in an unsustainable way. First, they remove the trees and burn them hoping to enhance the fertilization of the land. Secondly, grass seed is sown. In time the soil becomes infertile so the farmers either move or expand their land destroying even more forest. This continues in a circular pattern; neither forest nor farmer benefit. Underneath the rainforest many minerals are found. Mining companies start to mine for these, but when these run out the companies abandon the mine leaving a large, ugly scar in the rainforest. Commercial use of the river also destroys the rainforest. To provide energy for all the mines and farms etc. the river is dammed. In doing so it destroys millions of trees, killing animals which have made their homes in the vegetation and surrounding area. With the decomposing bodies of animals, the water soon becomes toxic and unsafe for human consumption. This directly affects the natives who use the water for drinking, washing and cleaning. Widespread rainforest clearance, mining of minerals and damming of rivers all affect the rainforest and most importantly the quality of soil. When trees are stripped away the soil's natural fertilization pattern is also destroyed: the soil becomes infertile very quickly. This means that rainforest that was once there can never be grown again. It is lost forever. The river water soon becomes polluted with toxins and also from the chemical waste from industries. The dam becomes clogged with sediment from the mines. Most of the wild life is killed when the trees are felled and the rivers dammed. The native people are pushed out of their homes by big businesses expanding the vast amounts of land they already have. A massive infrastructure project known as â€Å"Avanca Brasil† (Advance Brazil) threatens the very existence of the Amazon rainforest. The proposed project will upgrade and construct new roads into the interior of the Amazon basin; facilitating increased logging, mining and settlement. The project is likely to ensure final loss of the World's largest rainforest. Unchecked de-forestation and destruction of the Amazonian rainforest poses an ecological disaster both for Brazil and the rest of the world. With less rainforest to absorb CO2, there is a build up of CO2 in the atmosphere. This creates a â€Å"blanket† which traps more outgoing long-wave radiation causing the earth to warm up. This is known as â€Å"global warming†. Therefore de-forestation affects not only the natives but all of mankind. The issue of de-forestation is global in another context: capitalisation. For example, the cleared grassland may be used to raise cattle to supply beef for McDonalds. The impact of large capitalist, multi-national companies like McDonalds (also mineral and pharmaceutical industries) cannot be underestimated. Sustainability is a priority if we want to keep the rainforest. Sustainable farming methods, like those of the natives, should be used. Mining should be kept to a minimum and roads should be small and few. Logging should only be allowed in a sustainable way ensuring that new trees are planted to replace those which have been felled; the new trees must be planted within a certain amount of time before the fertilisation of the soil is lost. These simple steps should ensure that the small amount of existing rainforest remains.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Auditing - Assurance - and Compliance Services

The present study sheds light on the relevant accounting theory and the auditing and assurance services. This particular study is based on a case study that illustrates the operations of the BSF Ltd., an Australian bioresearch organization that is listed in the Australian stock exchange. This particular organization carries out research for the purpose of utilization of the bacteria for the manufacture of fish. However, the corporation BSF Ltd also undertakes diverse research operations that orients around bioresearch for discovery of the sustainable aqua cultural feeds. The study also reflects the challenges faced by the research organization that encompasses the failure of research on the plant-based feed that could solve the concerns of the fish based feed along with the cost borne by the organization due to the unsuccessful projects. The unsuccessful research also drew criticisms from the environmentalists and faced the allegation of diversion of the high worth food crops into lu xurious fish. This led to the new research on the bacteria based research for the generation of the feeds that ultimately met with success. The current study therefore deals with the steps that need to be taken into consideration before the auditing and application of the same into the operations of the BSF Ltd. Thereafter, the present report deals with the evaluation of the risk of the audit, process of application of different functions. Furthermore, the current study discusses the entire audit program for the company and discusses the accounting treatment of the research as well as development transactions. Besides this, the present study also discusses the accounting treatment of the government grant received by the corporation from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (Federal Government of Australia). Consequently, the study deals with the evaluation of the research as being socially as well as environmentally friendly. Finally, the present assignment carries out analysis of the reasonableness of the assertion regarding the patent value as the exclusive control over the advanced technolo gy used by the research organization. The audit process necessarily needs to adhere to the auditing standards stipulated under the section 336 of the Corporations Act 2001. The process of conduction of the auditing needs to comply to the auditing standards namely, the â€Å"ASA 100 (Preamble to AUASB Standards)†, â€Å"ASA 101 (Preamble To Australian Auditing Standards)†, â€Å"ASA 102 (Compliance with Ethical Requirements when Performing Audits, Reviews and Other Assurance Engagements)† among many others (Christensen et al., 2012). The process of the evaluation of the audit comprises of the inspection of the prospective clients of the accounting firm, allied activities of the business together with the owners. The sequential process of the audit also comprises of evaluation of diverse objectionable risk associated to the client that includes enquiry of the overall reliability of the corporation (Duncan & Whittington, 2014). However, as a result the procedure of the audit follow the due diligence p rocedure and verify the overall ethical threats associated to the confidentiality or else the contradictory advantages. In addition to this, the BSF Ltd also needs to have the adequate competence for executing the business activity, as this organization is mainly a bioresearch organization. However, diverse circumstances for the purpose of the performance of the audit embrace the process of determination of different suitable framework for the financial as well as account of the corporation (Homb et al., 2014). Furthermore, the process of audit also includes the examination of the legitimacy of the presented information concerning the client along with the conformation with the diverse accounting standards. Besides this, the auditor also needs to examine the overall ethical requirements and maintain the overall quality of the activity (Ahmed Haji & Anifowose, 2016). Over and above this, the management of the corporation also needs to be in agreement with the one another as regards t he preparation of the financial statement. Therefore, the evaluators need to ensure that the financial statements of the company are also free from the material error that might be owing to fraudulent activities if not unintentional mistakes. As rightly indicated by Shah & Nair (2013), the assessor can disallow the overall engagement with the client firm if the management implements constraints on diverse activities of the audit. In addition to this, the assessors can in turn refuse certain suggestions of audit when the financial records are not prepared according to the acceptable regulations. Nevertheless, the assessors assume confirmation from the preceding auditor as regards the execution of the legal and at the same time the process of implementation (Simpson et al., 2016). In addition to this, the assessors also need to make it certain that the choice of the proposed assessor according to different statutory obligations. Ultimately, the auditor has the need to submit the requi site letter of engagement with the client.   The process of evaluation of the audit risk needs to adhere to the Australian Auditing Standards that institutes different requirements and at the same time offer the process of implementation of the standards. The assessor can abide by the rules such as the AUASB ED 7/08 ( the â€Å"Proposed Auditing Standard ASA 315†) that helps in the process of identification as well as assessment of the risk of materiality. In addition to this, many other standards are laid down as a guideline for carrying out the entire audit. The primary intention of the assessor is to identify and at the same time reduce the overall risk to a significantly low level (Hegazy & Farghaly, 2016). The analysis of the present case study reveals the fact that the inherent risk of BSF Ltd is 90% and on the other hand the control risk stands at 5%. In addition to this, the risk of detection is recorded to be 80%. The audit risk in the present case can be evaluated by utilization of the Audit Risk   Model in which the assessor can take into consideration both the control as well as inherent risk (Chambers & Odar, 2015). Therefore, the audit risk can therefore be calculated by implementation of the formula that states that the risk of the audit is necessarily the multiplication of all the registered inherent risk, detection risk as well as the control risk. Therefore, the formula for the calculation of the audit risk can be put across as â€Å"(Audit Risk = Inherent Risk*Detection Risk*Control Risk)†. As mentioned in the case study, the audit risk is therefore equivalent to 0.36 â€Å"(0.36=0.8*0.9*0.05)†. Thus, the audit risk is registered to be 36%. However, the audit risk in this case is under 10% that is regarded as the standard for the audit risk, therefore, there is a need to have audit risk within the limit of 10%. This reflects the fact that the assessors can execute the role of audit for the client company BSF Limited. As rightly indicated by Pitt. (2014), the auditors have the need to devise and at the same time create audit program in a bid to make it certain that the business functions as well as control of the organization can be evaluated for the purpose of rectification. In addition to this, the assessors can also get hold of adequate information as well as requisite substantiation by conduction of diverse audit programs that includes list of different functions that are essentially involved in the process of assessment and audit process. Again, the suitable individual audit procedure are primarily designed with the intention of the development of accounting methods and at the same time accounting strategies (Graham, 2015). Nevertheless, the audit process also takes in different substantiated tests as well as other methods of control. For the purpose of the substantiation of the audit opinion, the assessors need to comply with diverse performance requirements according to the specific require ments of the audit regulations (Australian Auditing Standards) for the particular audit program and thereby build up the important working papers of the assessors (Lowell, 2016). Again, the assessor also needs to record different features that in turn can aid the entire procedure of the validation of the audit (, 2016). The important factors of the audit program also need to integrate the process of the preparation of the working papers that can essentially facilitate the overall process of retention of the union with the presentation of the audit. In addition to this, the auditors also need to arrange the working papers and keep account of the business functionalities in both the current as well as the permanent audit directory. As rightly indicated by Chambers & Odar (2015), the permanent audit paper therefore includes diverse substances that can persistently exert impact on the entire performance that comprises of the â€Å"Document of the Copy of Memorandum of Asso ciation† of the company BSF Ltd. In addition to this, the permanent audit paper also comprises of extracts of different important legal documents significant minutes in addition to the documents of agreements of the organization BSF Ltd. In addition to this, the documents of the audit also need to include important information concerning the internal control and at the same time the process of the accounting that the management of the organization BSF follows (Christensen et al., 2014). In addition to this, the audit documents also comprises of the structure of the company, information offered by the legal advisors as well as the bankers of the particular business entity along with the letter of the engagement. The document also replicates the evaluation of diverse accounts of balance of the corporation BSF Ltd, illustration of the process of evaluation of the financial statements at the time of audit by other auditors along with the perspectives of the assessor. The auditor presents the points of view regarding the overall internal control procedure, procedure for accounting, adherence to different ethical requirements along with the quality of the financial declarations (Chychyla et al., 2015). In addition to this, the important performance indicators together with the important ratio can assist in the process of detection of the specific trends of the business as well as the evaluation of the process of assessment. Moreover, the working paper of the audit also comprises of the constitutional documents of the BSF Ltd that replicates the entire business structure. The Journal entries for the research and development expenditures are as follows The journal entries for the Year 2013 Cr. Unearned grant revenue $400,000,000† The journal entries for the Year 2014 Dr. Unearned grant revenue 100,000,000 Cr. Research grant revenue 100,000,000† The journal entries for the Year 2015 Dr. Unearned grant revenue 100,000,000 Cr. Research grant revenue 100,000,000† The journal entries for the Year 2016 Dr. Unearned grant revenue 60,000,000 Cr. Research grant revenue 60,000,000† In keeping with the accounting directions established under the standard â€Å"AASB 120† that yet again congregates with the conditions stipulated under the â€Å"IAS 20†, the dealings of accounting for ascertainment of the government grants can be carried out properly ( 2016). Again, as mentioned in the accounting stipulations, the set of laws established under relevant principles of accounting, the government grants can be registered as profit or else loss and in a systematic way during the course in which the business entity identifies the expenses as the connected costs (Cohen et al., 2013). In addition to this, the process of recognition in addition to documentation of varied government grants similar to profit if not loss is not according to the specific assumption of accrual accounting as revealed under the standard â€Å"AASB 101 Presentation of Financial Statements† ( 2016). Nevertheless, the method by which the government grant c an be recorded does not convince the complete technique of book-keeping that can essentially be executed on the subject of the grant. Nonetheless, the government grant can be regarded as a receivable and can be treated as a reimbursement for offering the instant financial preservation to the entire business unit with no probable allied costs that can be documented in profit if not loss throughout the particular time (Cohen et al., 2013).   As rightly put forward by Shah & Nair (2013), the research process carried out by the BSF Ltd also have the need to be socially responsible and at the same time environmental friendly. As mentioned in the case, the research work conducted by the company BSF Limited on the plant based feed faced criticisms from the environmentalists that alleged that the process of diversion of the human quality food crops into the lavish fish is almost identical to the process of diversion of the low valued fish into the course of production. Therefore, this business practice can also affect the poor people and in turn escalate the risk associated to malnutrition. Therefore, there is a pressing need for the development of a socially responsible and at the same time environment friendly research activity. This practice also reflects the fact that the business units have the need to adhere to different set of rules as well as regulations that are essentially stipulated under both the social as well as environmental evaluations in the process of carrying out daily business operations (Christensen et al., 2012). Again, there is also an obligation on the part of the corporation regarding the implementation of the regular tracking of diverse environmental issues in the entire business unit. In addition to this, the brand also has the need to abide by various severe regulation regarding the operational policies that can assist the process of deliverance of the operation (Ahmed Haji & Anifowose, 2016). Again, the human resource segment of the company also need to hold fair as well as transparent view that in turn can avoid the partialities to a particular party in a bid to maintain social accountability (Chambers & Odar, 2015). Again, the research process also need to abide by the rules of the administration of the company BSF Limited. As rightly indicated by Chambers & Odar (2015), the process of functioning of control over basically an intangible asset can direct and help in the commencement of forthcoming economic growth (Lowell, 2016). Nonetheless, the capability of a particular corporation to deal with the impending economic refund from a specific intangible asset can occur out of various legal associations that efficiently can be considered as obligatory under necessities of pertinent law. On the other hand, the special control of the company over certain intangible assets that in turn can support the entire course of improvement in common technical aspects. This can facilitate the process of acquirement advantages in the forthcoming phase (Cohen et al., 2013). According to Cohen et al. (2013), the â€Å"AASB138 paragraph 13 -16†, the association   BSF Ltd also have the need to be accustomed to the level of expertise as well as potential of the members of the staff that sequentially can generate the step up of economic rewards in the forthcoming time ( 2016).  Ã‚   Yet, owing to lack of various lawful manipulations, the corporation BSF Limited can defend the future rewards through substitute actions or trials. Christensen, B.E., Glover, S.M. and Wood, D.A., 2012. Extreme estimation uncertainty in fair value estimates: Implications for audit assurance.Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory,  31(1), pp.127-146. Homb, N. M., Sheybani, S., Derby, D., & Wood, K. (2014). Audit and feedback intervention: An examination of differences in chiropractic record-keeping compliance.  The Journal of chiropractic education,  28(2), 123. Ahmed Haji, A., & Anifowose, M. (2016). Audit Committee and Integrated Reporting Practice: Does Internal Assurance Matter?.  Managerial Auditing Journal,  31(8/9). Shah, M., & Nair, C. S. (Eds.). (2013).  External Quality Audit: Has it Improved Quality Assurance in Universities?. Elsevier. Simpson, S. N. Y., Aboagye-Otchere, F., & Lovi, R. (2016). Internal auditing and assurance of corporate social responsibility reports and disclosures: perspectives of some internal auditors in Ghana.  Social Responsibility Journal,  12(4). Chambers, A. D., & Odar, M. (2015). A new vision for internal audit.Managerial Auditing Journal,  30(1), 34-55. Pitt, S. A. (2014).  Internal Audit Quality: Developing a Quality Assurance and Improvement Program. John Wiley & Sons. Graham, L. (2015).  Internal Control Audit and Compliance: Documentation and Testing Under the New COSO Framework. John Wiley & Sons. Lowell, R. (2016). COMPLIANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT.  Managing the Long-Term Care Facility: Practical Approaches to Providing Quality Care, 199. Chambers, A. D., & Odar, M. (2015). A new vision for internal audit.Managerial Auditing Journal,  30(1), 34-55. Christensen, T.E., Baker, R.E. & Cottrell, D.M., (2014). Advanced Financial Accounting. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Chychyla, R., Leone, A.J. & Minutti-Meza, M., (2015). Financial Reporting Complexity and Accounting Expertise. Cohen, J.R., Krishnamoorthy, G., Peytcheva, M. & Wright, A.M., (2013). How does the strength of the financial regulatory regime influence auditors' judgments to constrain aggressive reporting in a principles-based versus rules-based accounting environment?. Accounting Horizons, 27(3), pp.579-601. Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) - Home. (2016). Retrieved 14 September 2016, from (2016).  Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AUASB) - Home. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Sep. 2016]. Duncan, B., & Whittington, M. (2014, September). Compliance with standards, assurance and audit: does this equal security?. In  Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks  (p. 77). ACM.   Hegazy, M. A., & Farghaly, M. (2016, August). Internal audit practices and standards: external and internal auditors' perceptions on Compliance in an Emerging Economy. In  American Accounting Association Annual Meeting.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Influence on Identity of Changez in the Novel The Reluctant Essay

The Influence on Identity of Changez in the Novel The Reluctant Fundamentalist - Essay Example However, it worked to his advantage in the co-operative world of Manhattan-based Underwood Company. Because he was always top of his class, Jim the person that employs him shortly takes keen notice of him. The notice is mainly because of two things which include the fact that they shared the same education background at Princeton and same economic background that was coupled with financial hardships (Hamid, 34). The discussion that is advanced in this paper looks at the indecisive nature of the protagonist and how this aspect has been affected by other characters in the novel especially Jim and Juan. It opines that despite the fact that Changez has a high level of education, much of his actions are deviated by the characters in the novel. It is therefore difficult to identify his own standing in the main issues that the writer tries to project through him. In this perspective, the author tries to show that the influence of many factors put together like environment add to the persona lity of an individual and direct the position taken. The input of education is important in one’s life. The protagonist goes through a high level of education but several instances indicate that the person is motivated by his previous environment. Ailing from a poor background, Changez is forced to live in a society of the elite in order to receive an education. He has to cook his own meals just to sustain his livelihood while receiving the education. The identity that is being built here is resilience. He has to survive in a totally new environment despite the fact that his previous environment does not fit this lifestyle. Poverty forces him to come up with techniques to survive and in this case, he has to make do with the little he has. We are also informed of the cases in the novel that he is footing much of his educational bills by aids.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Economics Of Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Economics Of Innovation - Essay Example The essence of innovation is commercialized change. Its commercial nature warrants special emphasis, in that innovation pertains directly and exclusively, to observable market activities and outcomes – to the scope of good and services that are offered to consumers, or to technological and organizational advances that facilitates the flow of these goods and services. Innovation is about more than ideas, it is about how the economic system transforms ideas into outcomes, outcomes that continually shapes its evolution. Considerable economic research has been devoted to establishing whether small and large firms differ with regard to the rate of innovation or their R & D activity. In the recent literature on industrial innovation, the main issue is not whether small or large firms are more innovative, but the role each plays in the innovation process. The growth in the number of small firms during the 1980s is not seen as an independent process, but is attributed to the decentral ization strategies of large firms (Albert and Patrick, 1992).The outsourcing of entrepreneurial functions by larger firms ha increased their flexibility, allowing them to react more quickly to changing market conditions. Small firms are a major source for new product and processes, but due to their limited financial resources they are often confined to the first phase of the innovation process.

How can I write the essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How can I write the - Essay Example Read all the materials at hand and reread them to have a good grasp of topic, analyzing the information along the process. Once one is sure that the subject is clearly understood and that enough pertinent information have been gathered, take time to meditate on the readings. Ask questions about the subject and try to find answers, writing the questions and answers down for easy access when the writing process is ongoing. Afterwards, state the thesis you would like to present in the essay and make an outline on how this is to be elaborated. The writer may make a numbered outline or a diagram that he could follow in sequencing his ideas to form a clear presentation of the essay, whatever suits him. What is important in making the outline or diagram is that a topic should be chosen with subtopics below each. Working on the outline could also take much time and effort however this will be much appreciated in making the essay because it keeps the writer on tract, focusing on the topics and subtopics without straying to what has already been discussed or jumping to what will be discussed on a later part. After the outline is made, you can now start writing the essay beginning with the introduction. The fist sentence should be eye-catching, able to get the attention of the reader. This is a very important part of the essay because it is here that the writer makes a first impression that would either hold the reader’s attention to the last sentence or have him drop the paper on the second sentence. One could start with a question, a quotation or a statement to introduce the essay, followed by at least four sentences to complete the first paragraph. The last sentence should be a statement that would link the introduction to the next paragraph, making a transition of ideas run smoothly. The second paragraph will start the body

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Dissertation - How has Commercialisation affected professional Essay

Dissertation - How has Commercialisation affected professional football since the formation of the English Premier League and what effect has this had on the 'a - Essay Example d the 1980s witnessed England entering into a rather novice phase marked by lack of commercial enterprising on the part of sponsors and top brass of soccer administrators. In fact European football in general followed a downward curve during these two decades (King 59). Several key factors were responsible for this lean period in the history of English soccer. These factors ranged from societal issues to lack of technical adroitness. However, the Premier soccer League teemed with the very best from the global arena and players from all continents signed for various clubs featuring in the League (Storey 108), thus turning English club football into an action-packed display of power and dynamism. The charm of English soccer ebbed away following the series of poor performances by the national soccer team in FIFA World Cups after their historic win over West Germany in the 1966 version of the premier title. It was imperative for the administrators and players alike to bring people back to where they could relate themselves to. However, due to a pervasive sense of hopelessness prevailing among the average followers of the sport, the task was not an easy one. Moreover, hooliganism was on the rise in the 1980s both on English soil and outside (Dunning and Malcolm 101). In fact English football had earned a notorious distinction of promoting hooliganism across Europe and to other soccer playing countries (Bloom and Willard 306). Political reasons also came into contention in this regard, as some of the earlier events in the annals of world history were believed to have contributed to the imperialistic aggression displayed by English football fans (Chesner and Hahn 168). It was in the 1980s when the problem of vandalism, on and off the soccer field, increased beyond the level of tolerance, as English fans were involved in atrocious activities numerous times, that the game was brought to shame and disrepute. Another issue that plagued English soccer during the 1970s and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Discourse on the Origin of Inequality and Kants Perpetual Peace Research Paper

Discourse on the Origin of Inequality and Kants Perpetual Peace - Research Paper Example The people who lived stress less life had good morals and they were filled with pity, and thus they could not hurt one another (Kant et al 3). As time progressed, the man began to change. As the number of people increased, the ways in which people could satisfy meet their daily needs changed. Because of the difficulties that people began experiencing, they started seeing each other and also began living together. They called these places communities because many people created large areas and made them settlements. They also continued working but they did so by dividing work between themselves. This they called it a division of labour and it happened between small units of people which were known as families. Division of labour leads to the invention of tools and other practices such as farming that made life easier. The fact that they worked and become tired led to the need for rest (Kant et al 4). They thus recognized the need to rest and work the following day, which they called l eisure after some time doing that. During leisure, people began to talk about the comparison between one community and another and also between themselves. This comparison brought about public values that led to shame and pride when one was told to be more superior to others. In addition, a certain community was considered more powerful than others if they had more resources. This started to make people envy property and pride and contempt. The desire for one to be recognized as superior or powerful, lead to some people isolating themselves from others. Isolation made these people accumulate property of their own. Soon the society leant of private property as important resources that brought pride and fame.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Innovative Management Practices and Positive and Negative Tradeoffs of Essay

Innovative Management Practices and Positive and Negative Tradeoffs of Toyota Company - Essay Example Even the most minor of hiccups have been caught and analyzed in a proper way so that no ambiguities shall remain uncaught within the automobile industry as far as manufacturing state of the art vehicles is concerned. The emphasis has been on quality at all levels which indeed speaks much for the automobile industry in general and the operations that are being handled at each and every rank in meticulous. The positive tradeoffs with outsourcing production function to supplier organizations come about in the wake of lowered cost issues which would have been higher had the same been done at the manufacturer’s end. This becomes a huge aspect that comes under consideration whenever there is a discussion on the price tangent that is involved overall. Further, this seems to be one of the stronger positives that comes out of the related equations mainly because outsourcing has come out as a trend in the modern world that has brought about a lot of incentives (Klepper, 2004). The negative tradeoffs with outsourcing production function to supplier organizations happen when there is less control for the parent automobile manufacturer and his exertion becomes minimal or even negligible within the localized market domains. This poses a significant problem which when seen from a strategic perspective can leave a lasting impact on the entire automobile industry. The innovative management practices at Toyota have ensured that the faulty automobiles were never delivered to its esteemed customers. This was one guarantee that came about in the wake of the highly efficient management regimes which were in place and still remain strong within it. The relationship between Toyota and its customers is just too strong to manifest these kinds of gross mistakes.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Privileges of a Senior Citizen Essay Example for Free

Privileges of a Senior Citizen Essay We all know that a senior citizen is an old version in our generation. They are the person above 60. Since they are old and their body are weak, it’s hard for them to eat , exercise , to work and of course to SURVIVE. The old ladies or old men out there are sometimes abandoned by their family. Some leave their houses because they feel that they are not a part of that family. Some are treated not right and some are lost. We can see many of them outside our schools or on the market begging, most are in the garbage place. Senior citizens contribute a lot in the past time in our country, there are some who fought for our country but still not recognized. Here in the Philippines, Our government made some rights for our citizens. Since some of the senior citizen has a difficult time to work, our government decided that all senior citizens must be an exception to an all tax payment. For short he/she is a minimum wage earner. They are also free from all government medical and dental services. They also have a free vaccine supported by the government, educational assistance shall be granted to pursue to; post secondary , post tertiary , as well as vocational and technical education in both public and private schools through provisions of scholarship , grants and financial aids . Our government also issued about granting our senior citizens special discounts on special programs. Example is on purchase of basic necessities and prime commodities. For another positive part, Senior citizens they have an express lane privileges in all public store , private banking , commercials or government establishments. For the retirees , they are granted the continuance of the same benefits and privileges by the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), social security system (SSS) and PAG IBIG. Retirement benefits of senior citizens on both public and private sector shall be reviewed every year to ensure their responsiveness and sustainability. We can say that senior citizens have an easy life with all of this privileges, But material things are not the only thing a human needs. Old people also need love from their family and others so that they will not feel they’re alone in this world. We shall give back the love and care this people has given to us when they are in their younger years.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Theories of Satellite Imagery and Fractal Concepts

Theories of Satellite Imagery and Fractal Concepts Introduction Many applications based on using satellite imagery in a quantitative fashion require classification of image regions into a number of relevant categories or distinguishable classes. Classification is a means of complementing retrieval. Satellite image classification is a clustering method based on image features, the classification results are represented by visualization techniques [Ant05]. Fractal geometry provides a suitable textural image classification framework by studying the nature irregularity shapes in the image, since it allows to easily describing such fractal images. The fractal geometry can recognize small image segment that characterized by its spectral uniformity, this necessitate first to segment the image before the classification. The main characteristics of fractal images are that they are continuous but not differentiable that allows showing the fine details at any arbitrarily small scale [Iod95]. This chapter presents an introduction to the fundamentals of satellite imagery and fractal concepts: Satellite imagery includes a brief description to the satellite imagery technology that useful to understand the main characteristics of satellite images. Whereas, the fractal concepts are mentioned to explain some regards when considering the fractal geometry techniques in digital image processing. Fractal characterizations are discussed to show the fractal features may found in satellite images. Also, some interested fractal measurements are mentioned to be applied on satellite images for purpose of classification. Later, the interested techniques of image segmentation and classification are given. Satellite Imagery Satellites are greatly used in remote sensing imagery, they have several unique characteristics enable to remote sense the Earths surface [Pan96]. The satellite senses electromagnetic energy at different wavelengths reflected by objects to produce the satellite images as shown in Figure (2.1). Visible satellite images are made of satellite signals received by visible channels that senses reflected solar radiation. Visible imagery is available only during daylight since it produced by reflected sunlight. The major advantage of using the visible imagery is due to it can gives higher resolution images than other imagery bands, so smaller features can be distinguished with visible imagery. The problem faces visible imagery is that clouds are shown white, while land and water surfaces are shaded. Clouds are Earths atmosphere, which absorb and reflect incoming solar radiation and leads to hide the fine details of the Earth surface under consideration [San04]. The two primary sensor types in the satellite are the optical and radar. Optical sensors are concerned with the imaging by visible and infrared radiation. While the radar sensors use microwaves to create an image, which enable the sensor to see through clouds and in night. In addition, multi-spectral, hyper-spectral and multi-polarization sensors are operated at different bands to improve the detection of objects under the sea or ground. Table (2.1) presents characteristics of the most popular optical satellites [ERD13]. Table (1.1) The most Popular optical satellites [ERD13] Satellite Mission life Spatial resolution (m) Panchromatic Multispectral Hyperspectral IRS 1988 / 03 0.80 73.00 Landsat 7 1999 / 07 15.00 30.00 60.00 IKONOS 1999 / 09 1.00 4.00 RapidEye 1999 / 12 5.00 ASTER 1999 / 12 15.00 30.00 – 90.00 MODIS 1999 / 12 250.00 500 1000 EROS 2000 / 12 0.50 – 0.90 QuickBird 2001 / 10 0.61 2.40 SPOT 5 2002 / 02 2.50 – 5.00 10.00 OrbView-3 2003 / 09 1.00 4.00 ALOS 2006 / 06 10.00 WorldView-1 2007 / 09 0.40 GeoEye-1 2008 / 09 0.41 1.65 WorldView-2 2009 / 06 0.41 1.80 Pleiades 2011 / 07 0.50 1.00 Many satellite imagery platforms are designed to follow an orbit determined by the direction from north to the south of the Earth, which is conjunct to the Earths rotation (from the west to east of the Earth). This setting of satellites allows them to cover most of the Earths surface (The coverage is called swath) over a certain period of time. More details about the satellite orbit and swath are given in the following subsections [Asr89]: Satellite Orbit Orbit is the path followed by a satellite. Satellite orbits are determined according to the capability and objective of carried sensors. The selection of orbit is depending on altitude, orientation, and rotation of the satellite relative to the Earth. Geostationary satellites revolve at speeds are matching the rotation of the Earth at altitudes of approximately 36000 km as Figure (2.2-a) shows. This makes the satellites to observe and collect information continuously over the considered areas. The common types of such orbits are found in weather and communications satellites. Whereas, most of satellite imagery are set to be used the near polar orbits, which indicates that the satellite moves northward along one side of Earth and then toward the southern pole on the second half of its orbit as Figure (2.2-b) shows. This trajectory is called ascending and descending passes, which are clearly shown in Figure (2.2-c). Moreover, there are sun-synchronous satellite orbits that cover each a rea on the Earths surface at a constant local time of day called local sun time. The ascending pass of sun-synchronous satellite is almost covers the shadowed side of the Earth while the descending pass is covering the sunlit side. This motion credits same illumination conditions when imaging specific area in periodic seasons over successive years [Pan96]. Swath Swath is imaged area on the surface of the Earth when the satellite around revolves, as Figure (2.3) shows. Swath covers an area is varying between tens and hundreds of kilometers wide. When the satellite rotates about the Earth from pole to pole, it seems to be shifted westward due to the rotation of the Earth (from west to east). This motion enables the satellite swath to cover a new area at each successive pass. The satellites orbit and Earths rotation work together to make complete coverage of the Earths surface when completing one orbital cycle. In near polar orbits, areas at high latitudes will be imaged more frequently than that ling at equatorial zone, this is due to the overlapping occurred in adjacent swaths when the orbit paths come closer together near the poles [Cam02]. If the satellites orbit start with any randomly selected pass, then the orbit cycle will be completed at the time when the satellite retraces its path, this is happen when the same point on the Earths surface become directly below the satellite (such point is called the nadir point) for a second time. The exact time period of the orbital cycle will vary at each satellite. Such that, the time interval required for the satellite to complete its orbital cycle is not the same as the revisit period [Sab97]. Satellite Image Scanning The satellite scanning produces digital images using detectors to measure the brightness of reflected electromagnetic energy. The scanner employs a detector with a narrow field of view which sweeps across the terrain, the parallel scan lines are combined together to produce an image as Figure (2.4) shows [Add10]. The most widely type used scanners is across-track (such as a Whiskbroom used in Quick Bird satellite), which uses rotating mirrors to scan the Earths surface from side to side perpendicular to the direction of the sensor platform. The function of rotating mirrors is redirecting the reflected light to be focused at the sensor detector(s). In such case, the moving mirrors create spatial distortions that can be corrected by processing the received data before delivering the image data into the user. The most significant advantage of whiskbroom scanner is the fewer sensor detectors that keeping data calibration. Another type of scanner is the along-track scanner (such as the pu sh broom scanner used in Spot satellite) that does not use rotating mirrors, it uses a sensor detectors are arranged in a rows called a linear array. Instead of scanning from side to side as the sensor system moves forward, the one dimensional sensor array captures the scanned line at once. Furthermore, some recent scanners are step stare based scanners, they contain two-dimensional arrays in rows and columns for each band. It is important to mention that the push broom scanner is smaller, lighter, and less complex due to fewer moving parts than whiskbroom scanner. Also push broom scanner gives better radiometric and spatial resolution. A major disadvantage of push broom scanner is the calibration that required due to a large number of detectors found in the sensor system [Bui93]. A multi-spectral scanner is a space borne remote sensing system that simultaneously acquires images of the same scene at different wavelengths. The sensors of a multi-spectral scanner are normally working in specific parts of the spectral range from 0.35ÃŽ ¼m up to 14ÃŽ ¼m. These specific parts of the spectrum in which remote sensing observation are made, are called bands or channels. The number of bands or channels varies largely from system to another [Add10]. Two important advantages of multi-spectral scanning are [Lil04]: Objects at the surface of the earth have varying reflection behavior through the optical spectrum; they can be recognized and/or identified more easily using several spectral bands than using just one band. A large number of objects do not reflect radiation very well in the visible part of the spectrum. Remote sensing observations outside the visible wavelengths or in combination with observations in the visible spectrum produce a much more contrasting image, which is helpful to identify objects or to determine their condition. Satellite Image Resolution Image resolution is the capability of sensor to observe the smallest object clearly with distinct boundaries. Resolution is often referred to count pixels in digital image. Usually, the pixel resolution is described by set of two positive integer numbers, where the first number is the width of the image (i.e. number of pixel columns) and the second is the height of the image (i.e. number of pixel rows). Whereas, the cite resolution is the total count of pixels in the image, which typically given in megapixels, and can be calculated by multiplying width by height of the image and then dividing by one million as Figure (2.5) shows [Zho10]. In satellite imagery, ground resolution indicates the Ground Sample Distance (GSD) that refers to the size of ground area covered by one pixel. For an image of 0.6m ground resolution, each pixel records an average reflected color of area 0.6m by 0.6m. The fewer meter per pixel, the higher the resolution of the image. The particular ground resolution is an important parameter when taking vertical aerial images. Satellites of various ground resolutions are listed in Table (2.2) [ERD13]. In addition to GSD, there are four types of resolution when discussing satellite imagery, they are: spatial, spectral, radiometric, and temporal. More details about each one are given in the following subsections [Ren99]: Table (2.2) Most interest satellite features [ERD13] Feature QuickBird Landsat -7 GeoEye -1 IKONOS WorldView -2 Pleiades GSD 0.61m 15m 0.41m 1m 0.5m 0.5m Swath width 16.5 km 185km 15km 13km 16.4km 20km Multispectral Yes yes yes yes yes yes Revisit time 3-4 days 16 days 2-3 days 1-3 days 2-3 days 2-3 days Spatial Resolution The discrimination of image details is depending on the spatial resolution of the sensor, which refers to the ability of detecting the smallest possible feature in the image. Spatial resolution of sensors depends primarily on their Instantaneous Field of View (IFOV).The IFOV is related to the angular cone of visibility of the sensor that determines the ground are seen from a given altitude at one particular moment in time. The size of the viewed area is determined by multiplying the IFOV by the distance from the sensor to ground. This ground area is called the cell resolution and determines the maximum spatial resolution of the sensor [Sab97]. Spectral Resolution Many remote sensing systems use several separate wavelength ranges at various spectral resolutions when imaging the ground areas. These are referred to as multi-spectral sensors. Advanced multi-spectral sensors called hyperspectral sensors, which detect hundreds of very narrow spectral bands in the visible, near-infrared and mid-infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The use of spectral resolution improve the informatic store of specific ground area since there are very high spectral resolution facilitates leads to fine discrimination between different targets based on their spectral response when using each narrow bands [Lil04]. Radiometric Resolution The radiometric characteristics describe the actual information of image contents. Radiometric resolution is the sensitivity of the sensor to the magnitude of the electromagnetic energy that describes its ability to discriminate little differences in the energy. The finer radiometric resolution of sensors the more sensitive for detecting small differences in reflected or emitted energy [Bui93]. Digitally, radiometric resolution is the number of bits comprising each pixel in the image, which indicates the brightness level of current pixel. Brightness levels are digitally represented by a positive numbers varies from 0 to a selected power of 2. The available maximum brightness level depends on the number of bits used to represent the recorded energy. Thus, if the sensor uses 8bits for data recording, then there are 28=256 digital values are available within the range from 0 to 255 [San04]. Temporal Resolution Temporal resolution is related to the revisit period of a satellite sensor. The temporal resolution is the period of a remote sensing system that images the same area appeared at the same viewing angle for second time. The actual temporal resolution is typically measured by days, it depends on three factors: satellite capabilities, swath overlapping, and latitude. The ability of image collection in same area at different periods is an important element for applying remote sensing data. Spectral characteristics of given areas may change over the time and these changes can be detected by collecting and comparing multi-temporal images. When imaging on a continuing basis at different times, change on the Earth surface whether they are naturally occurring or induced by humans can be monitored [Lev99]. Fractal Theory In the 1970s, Benoit B. Mandelbrot introduced his discovery as a new field of mathematics named as fractal geometry (from Latin fractus, i.e. irregular fragmented). He claimed that the fractal geometry would provide a useful tool to explain a variety of naturally occurring phenomena [Man83]. A fundamental characteristic of fractal objects is that their measured metric properties such as length or area are a function of the scale of measurement [Sun06]. Mandelbrots fractal geometry is the best approximation and the most widely used successful mathematical model [Man88]. Fractal objects can be found everywhere in nature such as coastlines, fern trees, snowflakes, clouds and mountains. Self-similarity is one of the most important properties of fractals, invariant scale, and non-integer dimension [Man83]. Fractal geometry is not concerned with the explicit shape of objects. Instead, fractal geometry identifies the value that quantifies the shape of the objects surface by the fractal dimension DF. For example, a line is commonly thought of as 1D object, a plane as a 2D object, and a prism as a 3D object. All these dimensions have integer values. However, the surfaces of many natural objects cannot be described with an integer value, such objects are said to have a fractional dimension. According to Mandelbrot, the fractal can be defined as â€Å"A rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be subdivided in parts, each is (at least approximately) a reduced size copy of the whole†. In term of Mathematics, fractal can be defined as â€Å"A set of points whose fractal dimension exceeds its topological dimension† [Man83]. Fractal geometry uses the fractal features to describe the irregular or fragmented shapes of natural features as well as other complex objects that the tra ditional Euclidean geometry fails to analyze [Ana11].

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Fall of the House of Usher :: essays research papers

The Fall of the House of Usher is definitely a piece written in Poe's usual style; a dark foreboding tale of death and insanity filled with imagery, allusion, and hidden meaning. It uses secondary meanings and underlying themes to show his beliefs and theories without actually addressing them. It convinces us without letting us know we're being convinced, and at the same time makes his complex thoughts relatively clear.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On the literal level the story is about a man (the narrator) visiting his boyhood friend who is suffering from â€Å"acuteness of the senses†. His friend, Roderick Usher, sent for him in hopes that his friend might afford him solace. Though his mental problems were a large part of his sorrow, most of it was due to his sister's illness. Much of the narrator's time at The House of Usher was spent reading philosophical books with Usher, apparently a great hobby of them both. One evening Usher came to the narrator and informed him â€Å"that the lady Madeline [Usher's sister] was no more.† He also informed him of his intentions of keeping her corpse for a fortnight in one of the many vaults in the house. Having no wish to oppose his wishes, the narrator helps him entomb the body at Usher's request. The mood in the house has worsened, and Usher is no longer himself. The narrator finds him ranting about the storm, and he explains to him its only a natural phenomenon, and turns to their earlier hobby of reading to distract him. He chooses the Mad Trist, which is apparently a story completely created by Poe (and is definitely in his style). It is a story of a Hero, Ethelred, who forcibly enters the home of a hermit and finds a dragon in his place. During his telling of the story, the narrator hears noises but dismisses them as coincidence. As he continued the sounds began to get louder, and eventually Usher speaks , â€Å"yes, I hear it, and have heard it ... We have put her living in the tomb!† At this point the reader still thinks Usher is mad and is hearing his sister in death (as did the character in The Tell Tale Heart), but soon that theory is disproven when the lady Madeline does indeed still live and enters the room killing her brother. The narrator flees at the sight of this and soon after the House of Usher collapses.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Drug and Alcohol Abuse :: Substance Abuse Essays

In the book Understanding Drug Use, An Adult's Guide to Drugs and the Young, by Peter Marin and Allan Cohen, you find that education in our youth today is vital. In a few short years, drug taking by younger people has become a fact of life in America, and for hundreds of thousands of families this fact poses a profound problem with wrenching social, legal, and psychological implications. Faced with an upsetting and unfamiliar experience when they discover that their children are experimenting with drugs or alcohol, parents search frantically for solutions-often coming up with the wrong ones, thereby intensifying an already sensitive situation. This book seems to have been written with the parent or mentor in mind. It focuses on realistic approaches to dealing with substance abuse, and attempts to help parents and others understand why some people put themselves in these types of situations.The damage that could result from a parents lack of understanding in the meaning of their chil d's drug and/or alcohol abuse can often be worse than the results of the child actually taking the drugs! Marin and Cohen lay the groundwork for this understanding with a discussion of adolescence in America today that makes many parents realize they play an important role in helping their children react to situations. With sensitivity and genuine feeling, discussion can open up new areas of understanding, revealing some of the fundamental impulses that motivate our young people in today's society, and perhaps parents will be better equipped psychologically to relate to what really troubles their children. Most parents must assume that their children will attempt drugs and/or alcohol at least once in their adolescence, and attempts to suppress their use entirely "are doomed to fail, because children react to actions of parents and peers". The authors instead suggest ways to minimize drug misuse and teach specific ways in which parents, teachers, community leaders, and others can assist children in education on the negative results of abuse.Some of the suggestions are helpful and can bring understanding to the child as well. What to do if your child is arrested is one topic area, and in it the authors suggest you attempt to motivate your child to see how he or she came into the situation t hey are in now.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

History Of Human Behavior Essay -- essays research papers

PSYCHOLOGICAL HUMAN BEHAVIOR Psychology is the very important perspective for human nature. It is very much important for the individual environment. Psychology is very much a product of the Western tradition.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Whereas a new psychology of the year 2000 contains both the eastern as well as the Western tradition (Frey, 04/06). Psychologist self-concept attitudes. Its related to Psyche means call a persons self concepts it includes what a person perceives from the persons the integrate part of human mind motion connected to those with bodily concepts. It however reflects true relationship with the mind-body concept. ATTITUDES AND SOCIAL COGNITION addresses those domains of social behavior in which cognition plays a major role, including the interface of cognition with overt behavior, affect, and motivation. (Primis, 119). Major perspectives in Now, what’s the concept of psychoanalysis is also a psychology at this point includes psychoanalysis, humanism and sociobiology. Very important perspective. As a therapy, psychoanalysis is based on observation that Individuals are often unaware of many of the factors that determine their emotions and Behavior. (Frey, 04/06). It is, in addition, a method for learning about the mind, and also a theory, a way of understanding the processes of normal everyday mental functioning and the stages of normal development from infancy to old age. ( Furthermore, since psychoanalysis seeks to explain how the human mind works, it contributes insight into whatever the human mind produces.( Sigmund Freud was the first psychoanalyst. Many of his insights into the human mind, which seemed so revolutionary at the turn of the century, are now widely accepted by most schools of psychological thought. Although others before and during his time had begun to recognize the role of unconscious mental understanding its importance. Although his ideas met with antagonism and resistance, Freud believed deeply in the value of his discoveries and rarely simplified or exaggerated them for the sake of popular acceptance. ( He saw that those who sought to change themselves or others must face realistic difficulties. But he also showed us that, while the dark and blind forces in human nature sometimes seem overwhelming, psychological understanding, by enlarging the realm of reason and responsi... ...ture. But Both Freud and Wilson said a lot about the core of the personality, no matter in what instincts they explained it. It was their ultimate goal towards the concept of interpreting the human beings focusing towards the aspects and moralities of the core effecting the human nature. Their theories helped a lot for the human society in finding the relative core of the human nature. And these theories of Psychology is still much worth regarding the personality as well as the human instinct of true self, true nature as well as their behavior. BIBILOGRAPHY:- 1. Freud Sigmund, Civilization and Its Discontents, Tr:- James Stretcher, New York, W.W. Norton & Company, 1985. 2. Wilson, Edward O., On Human Nature, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1998. 3. Frankl, Victor E., Mans Search For Meaning, New York, Washington Square Press, 1985. 4. Social Science, Primis, New York, Mc Graw Hill, 1998. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Hope for the Flowers Essay

’’Hope for the flowers’’ is a book that I found at a friend’s place. This book was part of a course on entrepreneurship that he underwent at business school. Hardbound with bright coloured cover and inside pages, the book looks like one created for kindergarten kids. Something that prompted me to give him a quizzical look. His reply was very simple – ’’Just read it’’. I was still sceptical, but considering the fact that the course itself was taken by a pretty successful entrepreneur I gave it the benefit of doubt – after all it was hardly 15 minutes worth of reading and – aren’t we all just kids in adult make up It is the story of two caterpillars – the not so good looking, strong, ambitious, go getting, very male Stripe and the more beautiful, intuitive, perceptive, lovely Yellow. How do I know that she is lovely? – its the illustrations silly. Like all caterpillars do, Stripe bursts out of his tiny egg to come out into a bright and sunny world. He is hungry and wastes no time to begin eating the leaf that he was born on. And then another and another and another until he feels ’’that there must be more to life than just eating and getting bigger’’. Stripe then goes on a ’’fascinating discovery of life’’ that leads him to what he believes is the way to the TOP.It is not an easy path, one must ’’push, shove and trample to go up’’ and it is in this path upwards that he meet Yellow. Yellow is already on the way up. She has convinced herself that it is the only way up, until she meets stripe. And destiny which brings them together also takes them apart. Yellow strikes out on her own, because she is sure there must be some other better way to reach the top. She does not know what that path is and goes on simple faith, building a dark cocoon around herself in the impossible hope that she could be a butterfly. As her guide says ’’It’s what you are meant to become. It flies with beautiful wings and joins the earth to heaven. It drinks only nectar from the flowers and carries the seeds of love from one flower to another. Without butterflies, the world would have fewer flowers.’’ As I read the story the one thing that struck me was the manner in which the author almost perfectly recreated corporate life in the metaphor of a caterpillar’s life. As it turned out I was wrong. This book was NOT written with corporate in mind. It was the outcome of someone ’’sharing comfort with a friend who had just experienced death of someone close’’. Yet it had lent itself so beautifully to the purpose it was assigned (as course material in a business school) and to the imagination of its reader (myself). What is it that makes it so? What is it that makes stripe and yellow ’’fly around the world carrying hope for the flowers and millions of people’’ for more than 25 years now? Is it the universal message that it tries to get across? Is it the simple narrative that is so very accessible? Is it the wonderfully illustrated copy? Is it that rare sometime when everything falls in its right place? I don’t know. What I do know is that you owe it to yourself to take 15 minutes of your time and read it. after all – it is in your destiny that you spread your wings and fly, not crawl, trample, push, kick and climb.

Monday, September 16, 2019

How the Octopus Close Season Affected Women’s Life in Rodrigues Essay

Rodrigues is a 108 square kilometre, volcanic originated island, located in the Indian Ocean at around 600 kilometres at the east of the mainland Mauritius. It is surrounded by coral reef forming a lagoon with a rich biodiversity, which as twice the size of the land It was formerly known as the tenth district of Mauritius, up to the 10th of December 2002, where it attained the status of autonomy, governed by the Rodrigues Regional Assembly. The economy is mainly based on traditional fishing, low-scale farming, handicraft and an emerging tourism sector. One of the most common means of traditional fishing, is the famous octopus catch, which is mainly done by the Rodriguan women, known here as the â€Å"piqueuse d’ourite†. This is done at low tide where the fisherman equipped with iron rods, pace up and down the coral barrier, in search of a hole where nests the mollusc. The new government elected in February this year, expressed the wish to consolidate sustainable developments and protect local resources, for food security and protection of the environment. In this connection a regulation was adopted by the Rodrigues Regional Assembly in July 2012 for the closure of octopus catch season as from August 2012 to October 2012. This program is a joint collaboration financed by Smartfish and the Rodrigues Regional assembly. Smartfish is a regional programme financed by the European Union and is implemented by the Indian Ocean Commission in collaboration with the Common Market for Eastern and southern Africa (COMESA) , the east African community (EAC) and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development ( IGAB). The Octopus fishers were called for a half day work in the interest of the environment against remuneration in order for them to cope with the loss of earnings. The fisherwoman at the beginning of the project found a lot of difficulties to adapt with it. They used to sell their octopus on days where they go fishing and hence handling money in small quantities, spread over several days. In the program they were paid after a week of work. They found much trouble to wait for the pay and had to adapt themselves to a new form of budgeting and a new form of saving in order to meet expenses for the coming days before next payment. For example Mrs Cupidon of Baladirou, a professional fisherwoman, who use to earn around Rs 300 each time she goes fishing, uses go to the nearby shop everyday where she buys food for the day and keeps around Rs 25 rupees to pay the electricity bill at the end of the month. Now being paid after a week forced her to seek for credit and pay after one week, it has been hard for her to persuade the shop owner to grant her such service. Locating an octopus in the sea is reserved to expert eyes and intuition. Since young age many â€Å" piqueuse d’ourite† have been initiated to the skill of locating the octopus’s next, to tackle it in order to force it out of its hiding place and to kill it in such a way as to avoid being hurt by the mollusc. When, they are called to exert a new profession such as to build stone retaining walls, many of them were in trouble and could not adapt themselves. Moreover it was the first time in their lives where they were placed below the supervision of a superior, where they had to be punctual and abide to the principles expected from a public worker. Many supervisors also xpressed the obstacles they had to overcome to make them respected and to impose laid principles. At a time during the programme cycle, there was a delay for payment, which had consequent and dramatic impulses on the lives of these fisherwomen. Being not used to keep savings, many of them found themselves without food. Formerly a part of their catch was kept for own consumption, but with this program they consumed only food bought from the shop. There were also absentees at school due to the fact that many women were penny less and could not provide for basic daily needs of their children. In this project, the one who benefitted the most were the fisherwoman themselves who after the opening of the season found their catch being multiplied, where the volume and size of octopus was highly satisfactory, to the point that actually they are keen for the government to repeat the project this year. The venture of this government to implement this program is to be greatly saluted as it goes in the direction of sustainable development. However some measures have to be tuned and re-adapted to suit the peculiarity of the way of living of the fisherwomen and decisions should be taken with their full collaboration.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Psychology Essay

Operant conditioning is a form of learning that is environmentally gathered. Learn the skill, practice the skill, then step back and examine the results. Observational learning also called social learning. A person behavior is influenced by what happens to other people when ten bases they behave certain ways. The person who is learning does so by seeing responses are elicited by other behaviors. The person then bases their behavior on the lessons learned by watching what happens to the other people. Social learning is in social context and can occur purely through observation or direct instruction. The different kinds of learning can be utilized in the workplace: Operant conditioning: One of my coworkers is having trouble with understanding the job. So I voluntarily helped them out. That increases my reputation at work. After that I will get positive feedback from coworkers. Observational learning: At the workplace, it is forbidden to do something which you’ve never done before. That’s why, before you start working on something new; ask someone about that job to show you how to do it. So you can learn and be able to do it. Social learning: Advertisements, TV, internet shows because we observe them, then copy them. How is prejudice developed and nurtured through classical and operant conditioning? Give specific examples that demonstrate each kind of learning. Prejudice is a learned, generally negative attitude directed toward specific people solely because of their membership in an identified group. Prejudice is developed and nurtured through classical and operant conditioning from three elements. Affective (emotions about the group), behavioral (negative action toward members of the group) and cognitive (stereotypical beliefs about team members). People learn prejudice the same way they learn all attitudes through classical and operant conditioning. For example, repeated exposure to stereotypical portrayals of minorities and women on TV, in movies and in magazines teach children that such images are correct. Similarly hearing parents, friends and teachers express their prejudices also reinforce prejudice. 3. ) You are scheduled to present the result of your work on creating a new software program for your company. What memory techniques will you use in order to be free of too much dependence on notes and power point slides? Be specific as to how you will relate the technique to the content of the presentation Long –term memory: Encoding because it is elaborative rehearsal, the processing is more than visual. The three R’s registration, retention and retrieval. 4. ) Name and describe the three qualities of emotional intelligence according to Goleman. If you were interviewing applicants for a position in your company and wanted to know whether they had emotional intelligence, how would you go about discovering that? Would you do that in an interview or some other means? Posses self control of emotions such as anger, impulsiveness and anxiety. The ability to understand what others feel such as empathy. The ability to motivate oneself. I feel you can find a person emotional intelligence in an interview because a person can manage their emotions. They don’t get angry in stressful situations. They have the ability to look at a problem calmly and find a solution. I would go about discovering by asking questions or just observing how the questions are answered and giving different scenarios of a situations and pay attention to responses.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Macbeth vs. Lady Macbeth

In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the tragic hero or the great and virtuous character, Macbeth is destined for downfall as he brings suffering and defeat upon himself. However, this statement can be widely debatable, as many would assume that Lady Macbeth also plays an immense role in the murder of Duncan, the beginning of the tragedy. Early in the play, Macbeth encounters three witches or supernatural beings that foretell his future as the new King of Scotland. Intrigued by their prophecies, Macbeth places faith in their words.Macbeth’s wife, Lady Macbeth, is instrumental in his ambition, manipulating him, as they both scheme for greatness. Driven by the will to become King, Macbeth commits the murder of the current King Duncan and continuously murders those that suspect him. He is led to his own destruction as Macduff, a Scottish noble, later kills him. Moreover, although both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth can be considered guilty for the downfall of Macbeth or the tragedy of the play, Macbeth is more to blame as a result of his ruthlessness, his ambitious desires, and his naive character, which allow him to betray his own conscience.Macbeth’s ambitious character and his insatiable lust for power drives him to change his nature towards evil commencing his tragic downfall. Upon hearing the prophecies of the witches, Macbeth immediately ponders about the predictions and creates an idea to murder the King. Macbeth states that the image of Duncan, the current King’s death â€Å"doth unfix my hair† (I. ii. 148) meaning that this image was too horrid to even imagine. Early in the play, the witches only predicted that he would become King but it was Macbeth’s ambitious character that takes it to the next step as he now thrives on the will to become King.Although the King’s death was never mentioned in the prophecies, Macbeth plants the idea in his head that the only way for him to become King, as the predictions stated was to kill Duncan, which creates and displays his lust for power. Macbeth also mentions, â€Å"let not light see my black and deep desires† (I. iv. 58). This is another example in which he now admits this dark character inside him, demonstrating that his valiant, brave character displayed in the beginning of the play is slowly fading away or deteriorating as his ambitious character takes over.Furthermore, by virtue of his honest character, Macbeth admits to himself of his â€Å"vaulting ambition† as he states, â€Å"I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which o’er leaps itself. † (I. vii. 25-27) These lines portray that Macbeth has no other reason to kill Duncan except for his strong desires of wanting to become King. Macbeth’s character as ambitious appears again as even to the eyes of his wife, is seen clearly as lustful for power. Lady Macbeth states â€Å"art not without ambition† proclaiming of his am bitious character.Macbeth’s ambitions is the root cause of his tragic downfall as his lust for power drives him to murder which is the misdeed that places his life at risk and begins his fall from glory. Macbeth as a man with solid morals and a well-established conscience allows himself to be manipulated by other significant characters of the play such as the witches and Lady Macbeth. The witches make two significant appearances in the play, each in which they use equivocation to confuse and manipulate or spark the characters in the play to lead a life of evil.Their first appearance was in front of Banquo and Macbeth in which they praise him as they predict his future as the next King. They know that by calling him â€Å"King hereafter† (i. iii. 53) that it will create desires in his heart and they use these quick phrases or these words placed in paradox to manipulate Macbeth to do something that would earn him that title. Macbeth who has a conscience of his own, allow s himself to create unwanted desires in his heart knowing well that patience is an attribute that only the noble obtain.Macbeth, by the end of his first soliloquy, makes the final decision to not murder the King because in his point of view, â€Å"Duncan both born his faculties so meek† (i. vii. 16-17) and it would be injustice to kill a righteous person but later on changes his mind as he allows his conscience to be moved again by his wife, Lady Macbeth who questions his manhood to achieve the power that they would get if they kill Duncan. She states â€Å"If you durst do it, then you were a man† (i. vii. 56-57) as she tries to convince her husband to go along with Duncan’s murder.Foolishly, Macbeth allows her to change his mind when he could have easily refused proving that he had a mind of his own. The witches near the end of the play manipulate Macbeth once more, but this time it was Macbeth who sought their help therefore getting himself into more trouble. A wise person would make the right decision not to ask the troublesome witches for help, but in Macbeth’s case, he deals with this situation differently as he is again easily manipulated into developing hubris, which leads to his downfall and his tragic ending.Therefore, although Macbeth had a conscience of his own and had the right to make his own decisions, he allowed himself to be manipulated by others, which eventually leads to his own death. Macbeth makes further errors in judgment following his misdeed of killing Duncan as he commits other major crimes, which all precipitate his downfall. For example, the murder of his friend, Banquo. Acting completely on his fear that Banquo’s sons will become King and himself remaining unrecognized, Macbeth decides to kill both Banquo and his son, Fleance.Macbeth knew that he was under suspicion for Duncan’s murder therefore concludes with these two reasons to kill an innocent man and his son. This is proven through Macb eth’s statement made in Act 3. Scene 2. Lines 41-42. Macbeth establishes his fear as he says that he is â€Å"full of scorpions in his mind†. Therefore, this murder was another factor or crime that leads him directly to his downfall. Another crime that Macbeth commits that is unforgivable was when he murdered a mother and a child.To take advantage of the situation, Macbeth kills Macduff’s family, which was a tragic scene as Macduff’s son dies creating pathos in the audience’s heart and depicts Macbeth’s character as mad or insane. These murders portray his downfall as extreme for all the serious sins Macbeth has committed. Macbeth’s desire for power, his ignorance towards his own conscience, and the further crimes he commits portray him as more to blame over Lady Macbeth for his own downfall and death.Throughout the whole play, although Lady Macbeth may seem as the masculine character and the brain behind the murder of Duncan, she pla ys a minor part in Macbeth’s own desires and the further crimes he independently commits that end in his downfall. Lady Macbeth is a significant character but is not more to blame for every tragic hero brings his fate upon himself. Therefore to conclude, Macbeth is more to blame for his own defeat and suffering.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The case of Granite Construction Industry Plc Study

The of Granite Construction Industry Plc - Case Study Example This paper focuses on Granite Construction Company. The paper is aimed at carrying out financial analyses of Granite Construction Plc with particular focus on the liquidity, profitability and solvency ratio so as to gain a reasonable basis for providing recommendations to investors and suppliers on whether to invest or continue business for the company, and finally see the various methods through which the company access the capital market. Having said this, the sections that follow will be structured as follows. Section two provides an overview of the company. Part three provide a table of the various ratios, section four compares these ratios to the industry benchmark, while the next section examine the capital structure of the company and provides recommendations to various interest groups. Granite Construction Inc is a heavy civil construction contractor in the United States. The Company operates nationwide, serving both public and private sector clients. In the public sector, th e company primarily focuses on infrastructure projects, including the construction of roads, highways, bridges, dams, canals, mass transit facilities and airport infrastructure. (Annual report 2007). In the private sector, Granite Construction Inc performs site preparation and infrastructure services for residential development, commercial and industrial buildings, plants and other facilities ( According to the (2007), the company owns and leases substantial aggregate reserves and own a number of construction materials processing plants. The Company also have a contractor-owned heavy construction equipment fleets in the United States ( Bodie et al (2002), defines the macro economy as the environment in which all firms operate. According to Bodie et al (2002), based on a study on the S&P 500, stock price tends to rise with earnings per share. Although ones ability to forecast the macro economy environment can lead to speculative investment performance, it is not enough to forecast the m

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Deutsche Bank Ag (DB) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Deutsche Bank Ag (DB) - Research Paper Example cles and publications, Deutsche Bank Ag still remains an icon the world foreign exchange market though facing stiff competition from other foreign exchange dealers. Some of the services offered by this banking institution include; risk management, wealth management, fund management, corporate finance, sales, retail banking, and trade. From the type of services rendered by this company, it is evident that it deals with corporate and private clients. Its market network is evenly spread across established and growing economies and this serves as an important factor that propels Deutsche Bank Ag towards financial or economic success in the world market (Deutsche Bank in Asia, 32). According to many surveyors, this institution used log term strategy to achieve good results in the world market. DBA being one of the oldest institutions in the banking industry took time to learn the market trend hence able to make quick and strategic marketing decisions. Deutsche Bank Ag is one of the trusted banks within America and Europe due to its long existence in the banking industry (Deutsche Bank in Asia, 32). German started using this banking institution long before World War II and since then it has grown to cover the world market. The company is still stretching is service network to other countries across the globe and still remains to beat in the world market. According to the historical description of Deutsche Bank Ag, it is one of the banking institutions that offer several banking

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Andrew Jackson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Andrew Jackson - Essay Example He chose John C. Calhoun as his vice president and after a fall out Calhoun resigned in 1832 and Martin Van Buren became vice president in 1833. As president, he was very passionate about upholding popular democracy and individual liberty and pleaded to the congress to amend the constitution to allow for democracy. As a result, he recommended for abolishment of the Electoral College so that the president and vice president could be elected by the people and for them to serve a single term. Adams was also against the second national bank and thus abolished it when he became president. He cleared all the federal debts before vetoing renewal of its charter (Mintz 639). In politics, he also initiated the spoils system thus rotation of political appointments so as to do away with bureaucracy. He also initiated the removal of Indians or Native Americans from America to the west in areas like Arkansas and west of Mississippi River. Some of the controversies during his time were Indian Removal Act which was seen as an ethnic cleansing strategy thus not popular. He also through the spoils system replaced many federal employees with political opponents from his party who had no experience (Mintz 638). Another challenge was the nullification crisis. Some states were calling for secession due to disagreements over tariffs which were unfavourable to the South planters. This was the cause of fallout with his deputy Calhoun as he supported the southerners. Jackson used every opportunity to praise union or a strong federal government although he also advocated for state rights (Ogg 164). He also had to deal with a severe depression in 1837 due to his insistence on paying government land in terms of gold or silver rather than cash. This led to collapse of many banks as they did not have such

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Selective Abortion Of Female Fetuses In India Creating Gender Essay

Selective Abortion Of Female Fetuses In India Creating Gender Imbalance Crisis - Essay Example Indian activists estimate that as many as 8 million unborn females were aborted over the past decade due to pressurization of mothers to produce only boys. Amendments in the present law seek to make families equally liable for selective abortion of female fetuses since they go to clinics performing sex-selection tests initiating the process of sex selection and female feticide. Although the overall abortion rate in India is lower than that seen in many other countries, selective abortion of girls is higher and on the rise since girls die at twice the rate of boys before they reach the age of five. In some Indian families, girls are seen as economic burdens for the family whereas boys can become earners and care for their parents when they become elderly. The high abortion rate of female fetuses has rendered a dramatic gender imbalance in India. A woman is blamed for producing a female child since she's not keeping the family name. She then faces desertion, discrimination and violence . If the mother go for abortion, she will too be threatened by her family and husband hence difficulties by the Indian government of whom to criminalize for the abortion. The fundamentals of female empowerment will be absolutely tampered with. Gender imbalance as a result of the abortions of female fetuses is also a menace in China. In India, there are 7.1 million fewer girls than boys up to the age of six while in China; boys are also more than girls by 32 million under the age of 20. This gender imbalance will lead to millions of men unable to get wives especially the poor. Indian government must therefore increase the value of women and girls in society in order to reduce selective abortion as stated by Dr. Raj. Selective abortion of female fetuses in India dates to the tradition of male preference. ... Male preference often focuses on economics whereby girls are viewed as economic burdens for their families whereas boys can become earners and provide for their respective families. Traditionally, boys are a source of protection and care to their parents when they become elderly whereas girls will care for the families of those they marry. A girl is often viewed as a financial burden in some Indian families because when a girl is married off, the families of the groom demand a dowry payment which is illegal in India but still widely practiced (Seguino 1228). As a result, this take of girl child in India has led to creation of gender imbalance due to selective abortion of female fetuses. According to reports of the Daily Telegraph newspaper of Britain, Indian activists estimate that as many as 8 million unborn females were aborted over the past decade due to the pressurization of mothers to produce only boys. A mother is therefore blamed for producing a female child and faces desertio n, discrimination and even violence to some extent for punishing the family. Census reports in India also show that over the 50 year period from 1961 to 2011, the number of girls born per 1000 boys dropped from 976 to 914 creating a dramatic gender imbalance (Seguino 1221-2). Since Indian men already outnumber women by almost 10 million, there is demand to abolish abortions which occur every day as stated by Uttar Pradesh. Indian government and authorities have launched the fight against selective abortion of female fetuses. Entire families who pressure their female relatives into aborting female fetuses may be imprisoned together with the medical professionals who perform ultrasound tests to determine a

Monday, September 9, 2019

Need law specialised to write personal statements Essay

Need law specialised to write personal statements - Essay Example Most importantly, I believe in the Latin maxim fiat justitia et pereat mundus or let justice be done, though the world may perish. The study of law exists to educate people and their solicitors about the law and their rights and obligations. He who sleeps on or is ignorant of his rights risks being taken advantage of others.I wish to pursue a doctorate in the law that I may receive the best and most up to date and most advanced legal knowledge possible. I wish to achieve this so that I can be of greater service to my clients, my country and myself. Personal Statement (800 words) I have always dreamed of becoming a lawyer. Even when I was in the science section of the Al-Marefah Alahlyah school, I was already fascinated with the law. Our concentration in the natural sciences and the laws of science opened my mind to the belief that a higher learning of the real world can be achieved. Specifically, that a man can aspire to a greater understanding of human laws and how they govern our l ives, much in the same way that natural laws organize and govern the natural world. In both spheres, knowledge and insight is what enables leaders to gain predictable results and hence, harness natural and legal phenomena to our advantage. After secondary school, I went to the King Abdul-Aziz University to study law and it was there that I began to quench my thirst for legal knowledge. As a result of my earnest efforts in that school, I completed my Bachelor of Laws and became a lawyer. It was not long, however, before I aspired to expand my legal horizons. To do this, I went to England to obtain a Master’s degree in International Law and Financial markets at the prestigious University of East London. Having completed my Masters, I now wish to gain a Juris Doctor from your fine institution. One may well wonder why I desire to obtain a Doctorate so soon after I received my Masteral degree. My answer to this is that I want to become a successful lawyer in an ever-changing world . I believe that, in order to accomplish this, I must constantly educate myself in the best institutions. I believe that complacency is the root of decay and that my hard-won knowledge of the law must be constantly enhanced with new learning and further study. Otherwise, my legal skills may become obsolete or outdated to the great detriment of my practice. Besides, I am still hungry for more knowledge of the law and greater expertise thereat. I believe that a Doctorate from the nation that gave mankind the rule of law is the proper avenue to expand my mastery of certain topics in the law. After all the study of law is a continuing process and one should never be fully satisfied with his level of mastery in any subject in the law. The desire to have greater knowledge of the law also has a practical aspect in my duty as a member of the bar and a Solicitor striving for the benefit of my clients. Bad legal advice is worse than no legal advice at all because the client would have been le d to think that he had received good advice and will follow it only to find out later that it was wrong. I do not want to someday hand out bad advice because of a deficiency in my mastery of the law. After all, ignorance of the law excuses no one and it would certainly look very bad if I was to lose a case or file an improper case simply because I lacked knowledge about a particular topic. A Doctorate from your institution will allow me to impart what I have learned to peers and

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Biology of food4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Biology of food4 - Essay Example The malting process entails a period of soaking in water for a certain period, allowing the opening of the husk, and releasing of the barley. The malting procedure stops at the point where the seeds begin to recruit enzymes that can break down the starch in the seeds. After draining the soaked seeds, the fermentation process follows, whereby yeast and lactobacilli utilize the sugars in the seed. The fermentation process runs for a period, until the beer is ready. If Mel had left the seeds to germinate fully, the germinating plant would have utilized the foods stored in the grain. Usually, seeds in the store have a reserve of nutrients in the cotyledon. Under the right conditions, germination of the seeds takes place, a process that compels the germinating seedling to use the nutrients (Pratap and Kumar37). During seed maturation, storage or starch in the cotyledon occurs. When seeds absorb water at the onset of germination, a new process of mobilizing the nutrients for use in growth occurs. The availability of certain enzymes breaks down the starch into simple sugars that the seed utilizes in respiration. The respiratory process yields energy and other waste products such as lactic acid. Moreover, synthesis of other essential nutrients such as proteins takes place in the seed. In the process of making wine, the fruit juice used provides the relevant sugars utilized by the microbes involved in the fermentation process. The wine making process is usually different from that of making beer. In making wines, grape juices serve as the source of both macronutrients and micronutrients required by the microbes, while beer making utilizes seeds. A cost/benefit analysis led to this difference. After it became evident that the seeds used in making beer were critical sources of food for animals, it proved rational for grapes serve as food for microbes in the wine making process, preserving the grains for animals (14). This is in conformity with the fact that animals are hi gher than the microbes. Plants usually produce toxins as an essential part of constitutive defense. Genetic mutation is responsible for the conversion of phenolic compounds and alkaloids to the toxins. Although plants produce toxins as a form of defense, they affect the plant’s reproductive system adversely, and the mutated genesare conferred to the next generation. It is likely that the mutated plants have a higher chance of survival because the toxins protect it from attack by herbivores and insects. Usually, plants exposed to attacks by herbivores, and insects causing detriment to the plant motivates the plant to alter its secondary metabolism and produce toxins. A classic example is the milkweed, which underwent mutation to produce cardenolides that serve as toxins to monarchs. Apricots are seeds and play a critical role because they germinate to yield new plants. Apricot seeds require both macro and micronutrients for use in the metabolic processes involved in germinatio n. From eating apricot seeds, humans obtain carbohydrates, amygdalin, protein, sugars and fats (36). Squash blossoms are flowers involved in the sexual reproduction of the plant. By eating these flowers, the body gains calcium, sodium, iron, vitamins, and carbohydrates. in order to play the role sexual reproduction, these flowers require a range of ten aromatic compounds. A slice of turkey denotes a piece of breast meat. It is an essential portion as it provides